About Rob Austin

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So far Rob Austin has created 85 blog entries.

February 2017

Paper Bag Popcorn


Popcorn seems like a pretty straight forward thing to make, so why bother with a recipe? And what the heck could a paper bag have to do with it anyway? Glad you asked! Good popcorn is all about getting the smaller details right. For us, it starts with good ol' Orville Redenbacher popcorn kernels. [...]

Paper Bag Popcorn2018-02-27T10:19:09-06:00

Sunday gravy (macaroni and meatballs)


Macaroni and meatballs (or Sunday gravy) has always been an important meal to me. Growing up, this was a familiar dinner shared with friends or family on Sunday. When I sat down to write this out I realized my recipe is quite different from my Aunt Gerri's, which is in our family cookbook and [...]

Sunday gravy (macaroni and meatballs)2018-02-26T20:37:20-06:00

January 2017

Baby Bahana pasta


Let's start with the name of this one. The first thing my kids would say when I used to have to pick them up after school was "what's for dinner?" No pleasantries about our day, just what are you going to feed me, I'm starving. The answer to the question on one particular day [...]

Baby Bahana pasta2018-11-05T10:16:36-06:00

Buttermilk waffles from scratch


Another Sunday morning staple in our house and another reason to always have buttermilk in the fridge. We have two waffle irons -- barnyard animals, which are thick like Belgian waffles and the classic round thinner type. If we aren't giving in to Sabina's weekly request for pancakes we have classic waffles. A little [...]

Buttermilk waffles from scratch2018-02-25T21:25:00-06:00

Vanilla Bundt Cake with Peanut Butter Filling


Clearly, this one didn't go so well. What started off as an exciting, mouth watering idea ended up a horrible tasting, crumbling mess. But when my daughter suggested it, I felt compelled to try it, even if it was just an excuse to get her hands dirty in the kitchen. The idea was pretty [...]

Vanilla Bundt Cake with Peanut Butter Filling2018-12-04T09:37:57-06:00
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