
February 2018

Buttermilk Biscuits


I must have tried a six or seven biscuit recipes until I found this one. The right amount of butter and of course buttermilk make for flaky biscuits. The yield is over a dozen, so you can half the ingredients or freeze the unbaked biscuits you don't need. Prep: 20 minutes Cook: [...]

Buttermilk Biscuits2020-11-18T09:57:20-06:00

January 2017

Buttermilk waffles from scratch


Another Sunday morning staple in our house and another reason to always have buttermilk in the fridge. We have two waffle irons -- barnyard animals, which are thick like Belgian waffles and the classic round thinner type. If we aren't giving in to Sabina's weekly request for pancakes we have classic waffles. A little [...]

Buttermilk waffles from scratch2018-02-25T21:25:00-06:00
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