cherry tomatoes

September 2019

Bread Salad


I don't know what made me decide to put this group of ingredients together one day. But I do know that it's become a favorite for both me and my husband as a lunchtime snack. The bread is nice and crispy and pairs well with the softer and less strong tastes the fresh mozzarella [...]

Bread Salad2019-09-29T13:19:45-05:00

June 2018

Summer Corn Salad


While many of my recipes are ones I've seen in magazines and modified to my taste, this one is a salad I've made up in it's entirety. The truth is I have no idea why I made it or what the inspiration was for it's creation. What I do know is that it has [...]

Summer Corn Salad2018-06-12T19:14:06-05:00
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