cream cheese

June 2018

Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Chicken


I don't even remember where this recipe came from. I do remember that the original recipe called for grilling the chicken, and it made a huge mess so I took it out. Now the whole thing takes place in one pan and is a fairly quick dish on a busy weeknight. Just remember to [...]

Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Chicken2018-11-05T11:25:40-06:00

February 2018

Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes


You may already have a recipe for mashed potatoes that you love and if so, I encourage you to use it. They can be a very personal thing! But if you don't, or you are feeling a little adventurous, go ahead and try my take on this classic. After years of making a fairly [...]

Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes2018-04-14T16:07:13-05:00
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