kids in the kitchen

December 2018



These are a favorite from growing up in Ohio (the buckeye state) aaannnddd -- it’s peanut butter and chocolate. Since peanut butter is Sabina’s favorite food she is the leader when making these. She's also the primary consumer if they aren’t reserved for Christmas cookie boxes. After some experimenting with softened butter versus melted we [...]


August 2018

Decorating cupcakes


My daughter has been bitten by the baking bug, and I couldn't be happier about it. For several weeks she asked me to locate my icing decorating kit, and I finally found it. She put it to use right away, using store made icing to decorate cupcakes she made from scratch. She even filled the [...]

Decorating cupcakes2018-12-04T09:39:55-06:00

February 2018

Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes


You may already have a recipe for mashed potatoes that you love and if so, I encourage you to use it. They can be a very personal thing! But if you don't, or you are feeling a little adventurous, go ahead and try my take on this classic. After years of making a fairly [...]

Secret Ingredient Mashed Potatoes2018-04-14T16:07:13-05:00

Chopped beef and gravy


Chopped beef and gravy has been a Pannucci family staple since I can remember. The name is a little misleading, as the "chopped beef" in this recipe is only one part of the final dish. In our house, this meal is really a combination of my "secret ingredient" mashed potatoes, the "chopped beef" and [...]

Chopped beef and gravy2018-11-16T10:00:27-06:00

January 2018

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies


These cookies are magical — there really is no other way to describe them. They are great anytime, but you MUST eat one that is still warm and about 10 minutes out of the oven. I used to make a single batch, which yields 3 dozen, but half of them are often gone before [...]

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies2018-02-27T10:17:02-06:00

October 2017

September 2017

Robbie’s Mac and Cheese


Mac and cheese is heaven in a bowl to me, except when it comes out of a box and involves powder. I have been in search of the combination that makes you close your eyes and sigh when you take a bite. Last winter I finally found the cheese that would change everything — Prairie Breeze aged [...]

Robbie’s Mac and Cheese2019-10-01T15:51:04-05:00

March 2017

Chewy Ginger Snaps


I have a few "go to" cookies and these are one of them. They're a family favorite, so I can usually get someone to help roll them in sugar in order to get them into the oven asap. These are pretty easy to make and very hard to mess up. They key is to [...]

Chewy Ginger Snaps2018-02-25T20:57:32-06:00

February 2017

Paper Bag Popcorn


Popcorn seems like a pretty straight forward thing to make, so why bother with a recipe? And what the heck could a paper bag have to do with it anyway? Glad you asked! Good popcorn is all about getting the smaller details right. For us, it starts with good ol' Orville Redenbacher popcorn kernels. [...]

Paper Bag Popcorn2018-02-27T10:19:09-06:00

January 2017

Vanilla Bundt Cake with Peanut Butter Filling


Clearly, this one didn't go so well. What started off as an exciting, mouth watering idea ended up a horrible tasting, crumbling mess. But when my daughter suggested it, I felt compelled to try it, even if it was just an excuse to get her hands dirty in the kitchen. The idea was pretty [...]

Vanilla Bundt Cake with Peanut Butter Filling2018-12-04T09:37:57-06:00
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