
September 2019

Souper Pie


Every so often I have leftover mashed potatoes, which means we're having souper pie for dinner some time soon. This is another one of my mom's recipes, getting it's name from the cream of mushroom soup used in the meat and to top the potatoes. Since mushrooms are not popular with my family I [...]

Souper Pie2019-09-21T17:19:37-05:00

March 2018

Milan Elementary Peanut Butter Bars


These peanut butter bars were dessert with our school lunch at Milan Elementary. Since mom was a teacher at the school, she knew the cooks and was able to get her hands on the original recipe. Really the peanut butter part is the magic and the only part of the recipe I needed. I [...]

Milan Elementary Peanut Butter Bars2018-03-06T10:47:58-06:00
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