make ahead

April 2018

Leftover Parts Lasagne


I get a thrill out of using all the leftovers in our fridge. It means we got everything there was out of the food we purchased and the money that was spent. But if there is one thing even better, it's making a completely new dish out of leftovers from a different meal. My [...]

Leftover Parts Lasagne2019-10-01T15:50:29-05:00

May 2017

Beef enchiladas


Slow cooked beef, cheese, tomato sauce, cilantro, corn tortillas all adds up to warm gooey goodness. If there are any enchiladas leftover, they make a great lunch the next day. The last time I made these I went a bit crazy buying the meat and ended up with a few extra cups of the [...]

Beef enchiladas2018-02-25T21:30:45-06:00
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