
June 2018

Red, Hot and Blue (Pulled Pork)


The name of this recipe comes from a restaurant in Alexandria Virginia where my husband and I ate pulled pork served this way. At the time, this combination of ingredients sounded pretty unusual to me. But it was delicious, and has become our favorite way of serving pulled pork. This is my attempt at [...]

Red, Hot and Blue (Pulled Pork)2018-11-16T10:21:44-06:00

April 2018

Leftover Parts Lasagne


I get a thrill out of using all the leftovers in our fridge. It means we got everything there was out of the food we purchased and the money that was spent. But if there is one thing even better, it's making a completely new dish out of leftovers from a different meal. My [...]

Leftover Parts Lasagne2019-10-01T15:50:29-05:00

February 2018

Noodles with Banchetto Sauce


This is a great meaty weeknight pasta sauce courtesy of my great Aunt Gerri. If you use a spicy pepperoni or Italian sausage the leftovers will have a bit of kick. Prep time - 15 minutes / Cook time - 40 minutes 1 28 ounce can of pureed [...]

Noodles with Banchetto Sauce2018-11-26T09:59:56-06:00

Mom’s Chicken Noodle Soup


This isn't just one of my favorite soups, it's one of my favorite smells. The onions, celery and carrots when they go into the pot, combined with the chicken broth and herbs fills the house with a scent unlike any other. As an added bonus, it's a great meal that makes an easy "send with [...]

Mom’s Chicken Noodle Soup2018-11-05T11:28:05-06:00
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