
September 2019

Chicken Rollatini


My favorite foods are always associated with a time or person in my life. In this case, Chicken Rollatini was a favorite of my Aunt Gerri, who was really a "great aunt" but was just Aunt Gerri to me. She made this from time to time and I've added it to my repertoire of [...]

Chicken Rollatini2019-09-21T15:44:28-05:00

February 2018

Chopped beef and gravy


Chopped beef and gravy has been a Pannucci family staple since I can remember. The name is a little misleading, as the "chopped beef" in this recipe is only one part of the final dish. In our house, this meal is really a combination of my "secret ingredient" mashed potatoes, the "chopped beef" and [...]

Chopped beef and gravy2018-11-16T10:00:27-06:00
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