
November 2018

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese


Looking for a snack during the Thanksgiving week, I offered up the idea of some grilled cheese sandwiches. It was my Dad that asked for this version, which wouldn't have normally occurred to me. He'd seen some sandwich pepperoni and a bag of shredded mozzarella in the fridge earlier, and a new version of the [...]

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese2018-12-04T09:40:23-06:00

October 2018

Pepperoni Bread


This is one of my mom's specialties. She would make this as an appetizer for a party or sometimes in lieu of Christmas cookies she would deliver warm loaves of pepperoni bread. I changed the type of pepperoni to the sandwich version you get at the deli simply for ease, but it is basically [...]

Pepperoni Bread2018-10-24T11:01:22-05:00

February 2018

Noodles with Banchetto Sauce


This is a great meaty weeknight pasta sauce courtesy of my great Aunt Gerri. If you use a spicy pepperoni or Italian sausage the leftovers will have a bit of kick. Prep time - 15 minutes / Cook time - 40 minutes 1 28 ounce can of pureed [...]

Noodles with Banchetto Sauce2018-11-26T09:59:56-06:00
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