
September 2019

Bread Salad


I don't know what made me decide to put this group of ingredients together one day. But I do know that it's become a favorite for both me and my husband as a lunchtime snack. The bread is nice and crispy and pairs well with the softer and less strong tastes the fresh mozzarella [...]

Bread Salad2019-09-29T13:19:45-05:00

April 2018

Corn Chip Taco Salad


I really enjoy a good salad, and the more "bits" in there, the better in my opinion. And when the salad has a protein in it, so much the better. This version of a taco salad hits all the high notes. It has a good crunch in every bite, and is as complete a meal [...]

Corn Chip Taco Salad2018-03-10T15:38:56-06:00

December 2017

Arugula salad with toasted pistachios


I'm always in search of a good salad, and I prefer one with a lot of bits and pieces. Starting with a generous serving of arugula, I added shredded carrots, toasted pistachios (chopped into bits to make sure they make it into every bite), shaved asiago, sea salt (don't by shy), olive oil and [...]

Arugula salad with toasted pistachios2018-02-27T07:54:31-06:00
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