toasted bread

September 2019

Bread Salad


I don't know what made me decide to put this group of ingredients together one day. But I do know that it's become a favorite for both me and my husband as a lunchtime snack. The bread is nice and crispy and pairs well with the softer and less strong tastes the fresh mozzarella [...]

Bread Salad2019-09-29T13:19:45-05:00

November 2018

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese


Looking for a snack during the Thanksgiving week, I offered up the idea of some grilled cheese sandwiches. It was my Dad that asked for this version, which wouldn't have normally occurred to me. He'd seen some sandwich pepperoni and a bag of shredded mozzarella in the fridge earlier, and a new version of the [...]

Pepperoni Grilled Cheese2018-12-04T09:40:23-06:00

My Take on a BLT


What do you do when you have some bacon, cherry tomatoes and a few hungry people? This version of the classic B.L.T., that's what! Add a little processed cheese product (a.k.a. American cheese), and you get something that looks just like this and tastes even better.

My Take on a BLT2018-11-06T12:26:00-06:00
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