
December 2021

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls


When we order Chipotle, my daughter gets a bowl of just rice and meat. But Chioptle still charges the same as if it has every ingredient in the bowl. Not worth it! I figured I could do better for cheaper and sneak a veggie in there as a bonus. This recipe is the result [...]

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls2021-12-12T17:19:26-06:00

August 2020

August 2018

Smash Burgers


We used to have a favorite brew pub in the neighborhood called Breakroom. Unfortunately for them, the food was better than the beer and they closed only after a year or so. But the burgers! The burgers were some of the best we've ever had in Chicago and potentially ever. They were super thin, [...]

Smash Burgers2018-12-04T09:51:10-06:00

May 2018

Ropa Vieja


My husband loves this recipe so much that when I just say the words "ropa vieja", he starts salivating. For me it's not even that difficult a recipe to make, since it cooks all day in a slow cooker and just needs a few steps before it's ready for dinner. I changed a few [...]

Ropa Vieja2018-05-22T18:30:16-05:00

Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes


I wish there was a good story behind this meatloaf but really it's just the version I've settled on over the years. My recipe has one important change from others I've tried, and it's a small but important one- I saute my onions in butter to mellow the flavor. The result is something that [...]

Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes2018-11-05T11:26:13-06:00

February 2018

Chopped beef and gravy


Chopped beef and gravy has been a Pannucci family staple since I can remember. The name is a little misleading, as the "chopped beef" in this recipe is only one part of the final dish. In our house, this meal is really a combination of my "secret ingredient" mashed potatoes, the "chopped beef" and [...]

Chopped beef and gravy2018-11-16T10:00:27-06:00

May 2017

Beef enchiladas


Slow cooked beef, cheese, tomato sauce, cilantro, corn tortillas all adds up to warm gooey goodness. If there are any enchiladas leftover, they make a great lunch the next day. The last time I made these I went a bit crazy buying the meat and ended up with a few extra cups of the [...]

Beef enchiladas2018-02-25T21:30:45-06:00

February 2017

Sunday gravy (macaroni and meatballs)


Macaroni and meatballs (or Sunday gravy) has always been an important meal to me. Growing up, this was a familiar dinner shared with friends or family on Sunday. When I sat down to write this out I realized my recipe is quite different from my Aunt Gerri's, which is in our family cookbook and [...]

Sunday gravy (macaroni and meatballs)2018-02-26T20:37:20-06:00
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