
October 2018

Pepperoni Bread


This is one of my mom's specialties. She would make this as an appetizer for a party or sometimes in lieu of Christmas cookies she would deliver warm loaves of pepperoni bread. I changed the type of pepperoni to the sandwich version you get at the deli simply for ease, but it is basically [...]

Pepperoni Bread2018-10-24T11:01:22-05:00

April 2018

Leftover Parts Lasagne


I get a thrill out of using all the leftovers in our fridge. It means we got everything there was out of the food we purchased and the money that was spent. But if there is one thing even better, it's making a completely new dish out of leftovers from a different meal. My [...]

Leftover Parts Lasagne2019-10-01T15:50:29-05:00

February 2018

Any Given Sunday Nachos


This isn't so much a recipe as it is a good use of extra meat from my beef enchilada recipe. As far as nachos go, it's fairly standard, but the meat on top of this mix is what makes it taste so good. Try them during football season sometime and I bet it doesn't [...]

Any Given Sunday Nachos2019-01-06T13:58:52-06:00

September 2017

Robbie’s Mac and Cheese


Mac and cheese is heaven in a bowl to me, except when it comes out of a box and involves powder. I have been in search of the combination that makes you close your eyes and sigh when you take a bite. Last winter I finally found the cheese that would change everything — Prairie Breeze aged [...]

Robbie’s Mac and Cheese2019-10-01T15:51:04-05:00
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