
December 2021

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls


When we order Chipotle, my daughter gets a bowl of just rice and meat. But Chioptle still charges the same as if it has every ingredient in the bowl. Not worth it! I figured I could do better for cheaper and sneak a veggie in there as a bonus. This recipe is the result [...]

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls2021-12-12T17:19:26-06:00

April 2020

September 2019

Bread Salad


I don't know what made me decide to put this group of ingredients together one day. But I do know that it's become a favorite for both me and my husband as a lunchtime snack. The bread is nice and crispy and pairs well with the softer and less strong tastes the fresh mozzarella [...]

Bread Salad2019-09-29T13:19:45-05:00

April 2018

Corn Chip Taco Salad


I really enjoy a good salad, and the more "bits" in there, the better in my opinion. And when the salad has a protein in it, so much the better. This version of a taco salad hits all the high notes. It has a good crunch in every bite, and is as complete a meal [...]

Corn Chip Taco Salad2018-03-10T15:38:56-06:00

December 2017

Arugula salad with toasted pistachios


I'm always in search of a good salad, and I prefer one with a lot of bits and pieces. Starting with a generous serving of arugula, I added shredded carrots, toasted pistachios (chopped into bits to make sure they make it into every bite), shaved asiago, sea salt (don't by shy), olive oil and [...]

Arugula salad with toasted pistachios2018-02-27T07:54:31-06:00

January 2017

Baby Bahana pasta


Let's start with the name of this one. The first thing my kids would say when I used to have to pick them up after school was "what's for dinner?" No pleasantries about our day, just what are you going to feed me, I'm starving. The answer to the question on one particular day [...]

Baby Bahana pasta2018-11-05T10:16:36-06:00
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