
December 2021

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls


When we order Chipotle, my daughter gets a bowl of just rice and meat. But Chioptle still charges the same as if it has every ingredient in the bowl. Not worth it! I figured I could do better for cheaper and sneak a veggie in there as a bonus. This recipe is the result [...]

Steak & Veggie Rice Bowls2021-12-12T17:19:26-06:00

May 2018

Too Much Credit Skirt Steak


Skirt steak is a hit or miss kind of dish. Often times the meat comes out chewy and not tender. It can be a workout for your jaw to make it through your serving. But I've found that by using this marinade, and a heaping helping of time, this version of skirt steak is [...]

Too Much Credit Skirt Steak2018-11-05T11:25:28-06:00

Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes


I wish there was a good story behind this meatloaf but really it's just the version I've settled on over the years. My recipe has one important change from others I've tried, and it's a small but important one- I saute my onions in butter to mellow the flavor. The result is something that [...]

Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes2018-11-05T11:26:13-06:00

April 2018

Leftover Parts Lasagne


I get a thrill out of using all the leftovers in our fridge. It means we got everything there was out of the food we purchased and the money that was spent. But if there is one thing even better, it's making a completely new dish out of leftovers from a different meal. My [...]

Leftover Parts Lasagne2019-10-01T15:50:29-05:00
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