
December 2021

Seasoned Cheez-its


Cheeze-its are pretty good by themselves, but when you make them this way they'll disappear faster than ever. I usually make a double batch (just double the recipe here) to make sure everyone gets a few handfuls. This is an especially great thing to bring to a potluck or have on hand for watching [...]

Seasoned Cheez-its2021-12-12T17:59:41-06:00

October 2018

Pepperoni Bread


This is one of my mom's specialties. She would make this as an appetizer for a party or sometimes in lieu of Christmas cookies she would deliver warm loaves of pepperoni bread. I changed the type of pepperoni to the sandwich version you get at the deli simply for ease, but it is basically [...]

Pepperoni Bread2018-10-24T11:01:22-05:00
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