two for one

March 2018

Pasta Bolognese


Halloween is one of those days that starts off like any other, but doesn't end until much later, and no one can say exactly when that will be. I thought it would be a great idea to find something to cook all day and eat when an opportunity presented itself. Slow cooker Bolognese fit the [...]

Pasta Bolognese2018-03-20T08:43:09-05:00

February 2018

Any Given Sunday Nachos


This isn't so much a recipe as it is a good use of extra meat from my beef enchilada recipe. As far as nachos go, it's fairly standard, but the meat on top of this mix is what makes it taste so good. Try them during football season sometime and I bet it doesn't [...]

Any Given Sunday Nachos2019-01-06T13:58:52-06:00
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